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  • 40 Love & Relationship Tarot Spreads Book

40 Love & Relationship Tarot Spreads Book


40 Love and Relationship Tarot Card Spreads Instant Downloadable Printable Worksheets + BONUS 22 Extra Spreads!Finally uncover what they’re thinking, what they plan to do, how to improve your relationship and many more with these instant download printable Tarot worksheets.

40 Love and Relationship Tarot Card Spreads Instant Downloadable Printable Worksheets + BONUS 22 Extra Spreads!

Finally uncover what they’re thinking, what they plan to do, how to improve your relationship and many more with these instant download printable Tarot worksheets.

I get asked these questions in readings all the time! My clients usually create the spread they want to answer their questions in the moment. I decided to add to what they ask me for quick insight and a some more well-rounded readings. I’ve put them into printable worksheets for you to use for yourself or for your clients.

Reading Tarot is easy and provides clarity with the right questions! I’ve thought out the questions for you so all you have to do is pick up your cards and read and write down what is coming to you from your intuitive gifts.

Here’s some details about the ebook:
– 8.5 x 11 printable pages in print and web (300 dpi and 72 dpi)
– 40 spreads divided into 3, 4, 5 & 6, 7, 8, and 9 card tables of contents and also a table of contents on the issues (Ex: Their Feelings/Actions) so when you print them, you can find what you need fairly quickly for a reading with page dividers
– Each page has a box for you to free-write or draw what is coming to you
– Most pages have a notes section so you can jot down important clues you may be picking up from your psychic abilities/Clairabilities

BONUS: 22 Extra Spreads Added!

Spreads Included:

1. Am I wasting time with this person?
2. Are they being honest?
3. Are they going to propose?
4. Are they ready for a relationship?
5. Are they thinking of marriage?
6. Balance in my relationships
7. Best advice in relationship
8. Better sex and attraction
9. Can I change this?
10. Can we move out of the friend zone?
11. Daily relationship pull
12. Dating advice to keep my sanity
13. Dating Online – What’s behind the profile?
14. End confusion – bring it to light
15. Feeling Overwhelmed
16. Fix my relationship!
17. Fixing issues
18. Get him/her to open up!
19. Growing together in relationship
20. Guidance in my relationships
21. Heal me!
22. Horseshoe spread
23. How are my relationships?
24. How can I get my partner to talk with me?
25. How do I achieve balance in relationships?
26. How do they see me?
27. How is this going?
28. How to be supportive?
29. How to find love/my soulmate?
30. How to have a safe and secure relationship?
31. How to meet our needs
32. How to welcome love
33. Is there relationship potential?
34. Is this healthy?
35. Is this the right person for me?
36. Is this what I desire?
37. Lessons from a relationship
38. Let’s have fun!
39. Let’s stay together
40. Past karmic life patterns in relationships
41. Person keeps coming back
42. Progress in my relationships
43. Progressing our relationship into the future
44. Repeating patterns in relationships
45. Resolve conflicts and fights
46. Show me the true nature of this!
47. Solve our relationship issues
48. Tell me what I need to know
49. The other woman/man/lover
50. Their feelings & actions
51. What is happening?
52. What will they do?
53. What’s blocking me from finding love?
54. What’s our connection?
55. When will they contact me?
56. Where are we going?
57. Where is this heading?
58. Who to go with?
59. Who’s coming in?
60. Why are they pulling away?
61. Why are we not moving forward?
62. Why did they disappear?
63. Why do they pull back?
64. Will they commit to me?
65. Will we get back together?
66. You set off my triggers!

Ready to discover what’s going on in your dating life, love life, relationships and more?

It’s time for clarity! Get this printable, instant download book of spreads to know now.


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