Collective Money Healing – Pick a Card Tarot Reading

Feb 23, 2020All Posts, Psychic, Tarot, Weekly Tarot Card1 comment

collective money healing tarot reading crystalHello and welcome!

Need a money and finances healing? Not seeing results but want clarity on what you are working toward? Ready to find your next steps to increase your finances? The Pick a Card Tarot Reading & Mini Crystal Healing is designed to help you learn more about all of these things in your life right now. Just apply the reading to one burning question you have at the moment around your money and finances.

When you are ready, think of your question, then choose a card – 1, 2, or 3. The crystals pictured are also listed below.

Pick Card Tarot Reading Money Crystal Healing

#1 Tarot Card – 3 of Pentacles

three pentacles tarot card reading

You are working on building your larger body of work. Every step you take right now is focused on your goals and in crafting your masterpiece. Put in the time and effort to do it if you haven’t started already. Those ideas you have are worth something and so are you!

People admire your work and craftsmanship even if they don’t tell you that. They admire from near and far. People are noticing what you do so keep at it. The number 3 brings joy and satisfaction in your work. Even if it isn’t paying off monetarily as much as you would like right now, the 3 shows the need and action steps to take as being consistent in what you are doing. Building it up over time.

The pentacles represent the element of earth and are grounding. If you feel out of touch with yourself or life, try taking a few minutes to ground yourself to the earth.

The White Quartz Crystal is a master healing crystal. In it, it shows that you have all the clarity you need to make your vision a reality. You just need to put forth the effort to build it up over time. The quartz crystal roots out any limiting beliefs and asks that you transform these into powerful affirmation statements.

For instance, if you catch yourself saying, “I cannot…” try changing your wording to, “I choose to try this… and see how it goes today.” Changing your limiting beliefs into more empowering statements will help you take the next steps and keep going.

# 2 Tarot Card – Page of Wands

Page Wands Tarot Card Reading Amethyst

You are considering a change and moving forward on ideas, but you haven’t yet. Why is that? An idea recently came to you out of the blue. Right now you are admiring it, wondering if it is something that you really need to do. The answer is YESSSSSSS!!! Yes, it is totally a prompt from the universe that there is more in store for you right now! Stop waiting and hoping, wishing and praying. It’s time to take action.

You’re a traveler and one who craves new experiences. The new idea will give you more of what you desire in life. With the wands, it is a symbol of the fire element. It’s also a symbol of taking action on new ideas as they come to you quickly. If you think about how fire behaves, it spreads fast when there are the right materials for it to consume. It doesn’t stop to think. It just takes action.

With the Page of Wands, you are still learning. The new experiences will contribute to you as a person and also to increasing your finances. You maybe are considering a new job, a new business, a change in work places, travel, or something else. Yes, now is the time to look at the new idea that has come in and figure out how to make it happen.

The healing stone pictured is the Amethyst Heart. What you desire is also close to your heart. This may be why you haven’t taken action yet because you’re waiting for feeling from your heart area. I believe it is already there, but you are denying yourself the opportunity.

The Amethyst Heart brings you a more positive look and clarity into your connection with your Higher Self. Ask yourself: Is this (new idea) what I want?

If the answer is yes, then go for it. The Amethyst Heart is prompting you to go for it and not think twice. This is your life and it is showing you are protected and helped by the universe in all ways right now.

#3 Tarot Card – King of Swords

king swords tarot card reading spirit quartz

Your mental clarity and quick decisions help you in career, jobs, and business right now. You are mastering control and leadership over your kingdom. You’ve been through a transformation already and are constantly going through this process in different areas of your life.

Use your unique analytical and insightful skills to gain intuition into your next steps. You can base your decision making on instinct now, operating at lightning fast speed to make the right decision for you. Your mastery at doing this will carry you far in life and set up your own

An angel aura spirit quartz is pictured with this card. The angel aura signifies the need to believe in beauty and to have hope. The spirit quartz is from Africa and grows as one crystal point with several crystal druzy points. Clear spirit quartz is said to aid in clarity and in getting to the point, much like the personality of the King of Swords.

With clarity comes quick decisions. The angel aura spirit quartz brings beauty combined with clarity to help you trust yourself more. As you see all things as beautiful, you will learn to listen to your instincts, as the King of Swords does, and realize you are setting up decisions not only for yourself, but also for your kingdom and your environment.