- Blocks electromagnetic and microwave signals
- Heals and soothes the mind, body, and brain from stress
- Releases negative energies to enhance compassion and communication
Amazonite is a brilliant turquoise colored stone. Whether raw or cut and polished, the natural beauty shines through the stone. Amazonite is mostly used as a filter for electromagnetic and microwave signals that electronic devices put out. Amazonite is also used to help you filter out negative thoughts. This is so useful in counseling sessions and in journaling when you have to think through a situation, problem, or stress to get to the truth of the matter. It increases your intuition and connection with the inner witness so that you can identify the negative thoughts and release them to get to your truth.
It’s also helpful to improve compassion for yourself and others. Amazonite releases negative energy so that you aren’t bogged down by the weight of oppressive thoughts.
Amazonite is Useful to:
- Block microwaves, geopathic stress, and electronic device signals
- Filters negative mental thoughts to release them
- Increases intuition and connection with your inner voice
- Soothing to your mind, body, brain and nerves
- Balances personality issues and masuline/feminine energies
- Releases negative energy and brings comfort to emotional stress
- Helps trauma survivors work through heavy, oppressive thoughts and feelings
- Improves compassion and feeling safe and secure in the universe
Healing Properties of Amazonite
Amazonite works in different ways to heal the mental, emotional, and physical stress of trauma and day-to-day energies and imbalances. It improves consciousness and awareness to work through the heavy emotions and numbness that often come from traumatic experiences. Amazonite increases compassion for self and others to feel safer in the world.
Chakras: Throat, Heart, 3rd Eye
Hall, Judy. The Crystal Bible (Cincinnati, OH: Walking Stick Press, 2003).